Writing Lab

The Composition Writing Lab provides writing support services for students enrolled in Writing 121Z, 122Z, or 123, including help with drafting, understanding assignment prompts and instructions, interpreting peer and instructor feedback, and revision strategies.

There are three ways for any student enrolled in a 100-level WR class to use the Writing Lab:

  1. Book an individual tutoring appointment when needed. Come in once during the term or regularly. Appointments are 50 minutes long and take place in either Tykeson 350 (the open space at the end of the hall) or 351 (the glass room). Further details are below. Use the button below to schedule an appointment now!
  2. Sign up for a WR 199 SPST Lab course. This special studies 1-credit, P/NP class is designed to be taken along with WR 121Z (WR 199 SPST 121Z Lab), in preparation for 122Z/123 (WR 199 SPST: 122Z/123 Prep Lab), or with WR 122Z (WR 199 SPST: 122Z Lab). Small groups of students meet with Writing Support Specialists from the Composition Program Writing Lab to practice writing, revising and editing skills.
  3. Stop by Drop-In Hours. Twice-weekly, the Writing Lab hosts blocks of hours with multiple writing support specialists available to answer questions of any size; students will not need to stay for 50 minutes as in the regular appointments. Students may also ask general writing questions or ones related to assignments in other classes. Look for flyers near the glass room for drop-in times each term.

Appointment-Based Tutoring

What: 50-minute, one-on-one sessions with a trained writing support specialist.

Who: All students in 100-level composition classes, whether or not they are also taking WR 199.

When: Students schedule sessions to fit their own schedules.

Where: Tykeson Hall 3rd Floor, in the orange cubicles at the south end (351) or the glass room (350). Take the stairs, turn right, and head past the math tutoring, or turn left out of the elevator and do the same.

Why: To improve writing, dedicate time to work outside of class, learn from an expert writer, test a new idea, and more!

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WR 199 SPST Lab

Students should choose to enroll in a WR 199 SPST lab, a special studies course, if they:

  • Know that one-on-one support helps them as a student and writer;
  • Worry about succeeding in writing classes;
  • Know they want to really get the most out of their required 100-level composition class sequence; or
  • Like having more set time to do hands-on practice with experts and peers.

In addition, students enrolled in WR 199 will also attend at least two one-on-one appointments and may choose to visit Writing Lab drop-in hours. This new version of the credited Writing Lab course allows students of all ability and confidence levels to benefit from expert GE instruction while focusing on their individual goals in a supportive small-group setting.

Register for the WR 199 SPST Lab section that works for you on DuckWeb by the beginning of week two. WR 199 SPST is P/NP.

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Benefits of the Writing Lab

Students find the sessions useful in completing specific writing assignments. They also often feel they improved more than they would have without the Writing Lab support. The most common comment students have after appointments is that they feel more confident in what they are working on or in what they are planning to turn in!

Faculty teaching WR classes report that their students who use the Writing Lab feel confident and invested in their writing.

Writing Support Specialists report that building relationships to help students grow as writers and students is one of the most rewarding aspects of the Writing Lab experience. They also say that it helps them and their students feel like part of a campus community.

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Student Testimonials

“I am not a great writer and honestly don’t enjoy writing. But the writing lab has shown me that I can write if I really … try. They have influenced my perspective of writing by showing me writing is more than researching things but really expressing your opinion through research. I intend to take a few specific steps to further my writing through college. I will make sure I turn all my work in on time with time to spare. I will ask the teachers for help when needed. I will always believe in my capabilities.” -Student Testimonial

“Overall, WR 121 has been mostly a review of writing for me. Having WR 195 has upped the level though. Diving deeper into the topics was something that wasn’t necessarily asked of me, but I knew I could do. I am very happy that I decided to take WR 195 this term and I plan to take advantage of the tutoring services in the future. I feel prepared for WR 123 next term and excited to take on the challenge.” -Student Testimonial

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Additional Resources for Student Writers

The English Department’s Writing Associates program offers peer tutoring support for students taking 100-, 200-, and 300-level courses in the English Department (ENG), Clark Honors College (HC), or American English Institute (AEIS). Writing associates are undergraduate English majors and minors.

Tutoring in other subjects and other kinds of academic support are available at the Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center.

For more general student support services, see the Division of Student Life.

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The Writing Lab is directed by Dr. Eleanor Wakefield, Tykeson 301B. Questions about the Writing Lab can be directed to ewakefie@uoregon.edu or uocompdirectors@uoregon.edu.

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